Submitted Photos and Videos For The Month Of February 2025
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Tell us about your Iland Lures fishing experience by sharing a photo or video displaying a catch with an Iland Lure, accompanied with details about the catch.
Iland lures International Photo/Video Competition:
Tell us about your Iland Lures fishing experience by sharing a photo or video displaying a catch with an Iland Lure, accompanied with details about the catch.
Every month, starting with September 2014 up to August 2015 (twelve month period), Iland Lures will give away a hamper consisting of Iland Lures to the value of R 2000.00 (RSA Retail value) for the best photo or video displaying a catch with an Iland Lure. The overall winner over the twelve month period will receive, during August 2015, a hamper consisting of Iland Lures to the value of R 10 000.00 (RSA Retail value) for the best photo or video displaying a catch with an Iland Lure.
Entries will have to be accompanied with details about the catch and anglers will be able to submit their photos or videos online at